Willow Class - Nursery, Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 2023 - 2024

Ms Evans

Ms Truswell

Miss Hannaby

Miss Edge

In our English lessons, we are currently exploring the story of ‘Jack and the Baked Bean Stalk’. This story isn’t about any old beanstalk and has quite a canny ending! Jack and his mum run a little burger café that’s close to broke, so when he spends their last pennies on a can of baked beans. His Mum throws them out of the window… starting a GIANT adventure! 

To accompany this, in our Shared Reading sessions, we will be delving into lots of magical traditional tales and poetry. 

We use Power Maths across our school to help develop the children's fluency and to deepen their conceptual understanding of mathematics. To help support this, we hold weekly arithmetic tests each WEDNESDAY. The outcomes of these will be recorded in your child's Home School Journals to help keep you informed of their progress.

In our wider curriculum subjects, we will be diving into many interesting topics. During our humanities sessions, the children will learn about travel and transport over time. They will journey to 3500 BCE, when man invented the wonderful wheel, whilst also marvelling at the triumphant impact that Amelia Earhart and the Wright Brothers had on travel and transport. In Science, we will be studying ‘Growing Up!’, a unit which aims to widen children’s understanding of the Human life cycle and how children and babies develop throughout different stages of their lives. In Art and Design, we will be exploring lots skills such as pattern making, clay creations as well as weaving and sketching! We will be studying ‘Who is Muslim and where do they live?’ in our RE lessons, building on our existing knowledge of Muslim beliefs we will explore how prayer and places of worship are different to churches, whilst also looking at the 5 pillars of the Islam faith. During our Computing sessions, we will be learning about how digital music is created. Music is delivered each Thursday by Mr Kitcher from Shropshire Music Service. Physical Education will be delivered twice weekly* with the 'Sports Coaching Group’ attending school on a Friday (- please see below).


Homework packs will be allocated each FRIDAY and assessment will take place on the following FRIDAY. Each homework pack will be accompanied by a new decodable reading book as selected from our Ready Steady Phonics scheme. You will be able to monitor your child's progress in their Home School Journal and we ask that you please record details in this each time that your child reads at home. We offer 5 Dojo points for every child who reads at home 4 or more times a week. Children need to bring their Home School Journal, all allocated reading books and their purple phonics book in to school with them each day please - NOT their entire homework pack.

Please have a look at our Curriculum Page on the website for further information on what will be taught.

Key Information for  Spring Term 

  • Children should wear full uniform and black school shoes each day.
  • Our PE sessions will be on a *Wednesday and Friday.  On these days, children are required to attend school in their new school PE kit.
  • Children should bring a water bottle in with them each day.  
  • Children do not need to bring pencil cases or other personal items in to school.
  • Please clearly label all clothing in order to avoid the loss of property.

We are really looking forward to sharing another wonderful term with you.  Remember to regularly check back here for any updates and also, please interact with our ClassDojo page - the children love to see when parents have left comments or responded to their achievements.


This term, our EYFS children are diving in to ‘Juniper Jupiter.’ We will be using this book to inspire our writing and to develop our love of reading. We will be continuing our maths journey, using PowerMaths to develop our numeracy skills.

We are excited to welcome our new Nursery children into our EYFS unit this term and currently cater for any child from 3 upwards. Our aim at Welshampton Nursery is to inspire and excite children at the beginning of their learning adventure and provide every member of our EYFS with a sense of awe, wonder and pride in their everyday learning and achievements. We invite new families who are interested in joining us to ring Mrs Horden and book a visit. We also hold our weekly-stay and play sessions which you can look out for on our Facebook page. We look forward to meeting you!

The Early Years Foundation Stage 


Children in Reception follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework (EYFS). 


What Is the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework? 

This is a statutory framework that sets standards for the learning, development and care of your child from birth to 5 years old. The standards ensure your child will learn and develop well and that they are kept healthy and safe.  


What Will My Child Be Learning? 

 The EYFS framework outlines seven areas of learning and development and educational programmes.  


 There are three prime areas of learning. These are particularly important for your child’s development and future learning:   

  • Communication and Language  
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development  
  • Physical Development 


There are four specific areas of learning through which the prime areas are strengthened and applied: 

  • Maths  
  • Literacy 
  • Understanding the World 
  • Expressive Arts and Design 

We will consider your child’s needs and interests in order to plan challenging and enjoyable activities and experiences.  


How Will My Child Be Learning?  

The EYFS framework identifies the essential role of play in your child’s development. It is through both child-led play and play guided by an adult that your child will develop confidence and relationships with others. Through play, our Early Years’ Team will help your child to extend their vocabulary and develop their communication skills. The EYFS framework identifies three characteristics of effective teaching and learning: 

  • Playing and Exploring  
  • Active Learning Creating 
  • Thinking Critically 

A greater focus on teaching specific skills will occur as your child progresses through their Reception year, which will help them to prepare for Year One. 


How Will I Know How My Child Is Doing?  

Our Early Years Team will use their professional knowledge to understand your child’s level of development. If we have any concerns about your child's progress, we will discuss these with you. During your child’s time in Reception we will carry out the following formal assessments:  

  • Reception Baseline Assessment (at the start of the Reception year)  
  • Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (at the end of the EYFS)  

Discussions at Parents Evenings will advise you on how your child is progressing. At the end of the academic year, a report will be given to you to inform you of their progress and whether they have met, or are continuing to work towards, their early learning goals (ELGs). There are 17 ELGs your child is expected to achieve by the end of the EYFS. 

  • Please keep a fully named Forest School kit of waterfproofs and wellies in school ready for your child to use as required.  This should include an additional long-sleeved top, a spare pair of socks and waterproof gloves to help keep them cosy when outdoors. 

Finally, if you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to speak to a member of the Willow Class team at the start or end of the school day.  Alternatively, you can direct any enquiries to us on: [email protected]


To find out more about who will be teaching the class click on our 'Meet The Teaching Team' page.




 Ms Truswell, Miss Hannaby, Ms Evans


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'Let your light shine' encapsulates the school's commitment to provide an enriching education which is deep and broad.




Church of England Primary School

Stocks Lane,
Nr Ellesmere,
SY12 0PG


School Office

Mrs J. Hordern

01948 710325

[email protected]

Special Educational Needs Coordinator

Miss R. Jones

[email protected]

Executive Headteacher

Mr B. Crompton

[email protected]

Our Federation

‘Our school is forward-thinking and outward-looking. We will continuously improve and evolve together, in order to inspire pupils who leave our school feeling excited and ready for the future.’