Oak Class - Year 5 & Year 6 2023 - 2024

Miss Jones

Mrs Curzon

Welcome back to another wonderful term of rich learning experiences in Oak Class. 


To find out more about who will be teaching Oak Class, please click on our 'Meet the Teaching Team' page.


Oak Class have a super term of learning ahead.  In English, we be exploring quality texts through which we be developing our range of writing skills. These texts always remain ‘top secret’ until the last moment, as the mystery surrounding them is used to stimulate the children’s ideas. Using these texts as stimulus, the children will produce a final piece of writing in the style of an endurance narrative, a recount, and a magazine article.

In maths, we will continue to follow Power Maths which is based on a mastery approach to the teaching of mathematics designed to strengthen and deepen understanding. The children will begin by looking at geometry of shapes and position and direction. They will then move on to decimals, negative numbers, measure- converting units and volume. Year 6 children will be preparing for the SATs assessments in May, by revising concepts such as: statistics, geometry-properties of shapes and position and direction, and problem solving in division.

In our wider curriculum work, we will begin the term by thinking about how people express their faith through the arts. In PSHE, the children will continue to explore health and well-being through the understanding of how our bodies develop and change. We will then move onto Art and design where we will be exploring how artists use their work to convey important, sometimes political, messages. In design and technology, we will delve into the world of cooking and nutrition.

In Geography, we will be exploring energy and sustainability, whilst in History we will investigate what life was like during the great wars of the twentieth century.

Our science topic will focus on electricity and finally, in PE the children will be learning the rules of rounders as well developing their outdoor adventure skills during our field fun sessions.

Please do have a look at our comprehensive curriculum page on our website for more information on what your child will be learning and when.


Key Information for the Spring Term:

SATs week- Monday 13th May- Thursday 16th May 2024 

Children should wear full uniform and black school shoes each day.

Our PE sessions will be on a Monday and a Friday afternoon.  Children are required to bring in full PE kits on these days and they will be able to change in school.

Children should bring a water bottle with fresh water every day.

Children do not need to bring pencil cases or other personal items to school as all the equipment they need is provided.

Please label all clothing and personal items to avoid the loss of property.

Homework will be set on a Tuesday, with spellings available to learn from Monday.

SATs club will run until Wednesday 8th May 2024.

If you have questions or queries, please see us at the start or the end of the school day or email [email protected].

We are so looking forward to sharing another fantastic term with you all and we hope that the children will thoroughly enjoy our planned learning activities.


Miss Jones, Mrs Curzon, and Miss Hayes



Homework will remain in the same format whereby new homework will be provided to the children every Tuesday. It should then be handed in every Monday. For more information, please look at our 'Home Learning' page.


'Let your light shine' encapsulates the school's commitment to provide an enriching education which is deep and broad.




Church of England Primary School

Stocks Lane,
Nr Ellesmere,
SY12 0PG


School Office

Mrs J. Hordern

01948 710325

[email protected]

Special Educational Needs Coordinator

Miss R. Jones

[email protected]

Executive Headteacher

Mr B. Crompton

[email protected]

Our Federation

‘Our school is forward-thinking and outward-looking. We will continuously improve and evolve together, in order to inspire pupils who leave our school feeling excited and ready for the future.’